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Show Reel 


Jungle Friends

The Servant Trailer (2014-2016)

Servant project is based on a noir story and is about a writer’s life and his imagination. Everything is happening in a dark flat. Modeling, UV layout, sculpting and texturing was my duty in this project and it is still on the process. Software: Softimage, Headus UVLayout, Zbrush, Mari and Adobe Photoshop.

Show Reel (2013)

These are some works that I have done during my BA and MA.

Modelling and Texturing Showreel (2013)

These are some works that I have done during my MA in NCCA, 2013.

Master Project (2013)

Final MA3D masters project by Mohadeseh Pilehvarian in 2013.
Concept, character and environment design, modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering and compositing.
Software: Autodesk Softimage, ZBrush, Mari, Photoshop, Nuke.
Music: Hossein Alizadeh

Texturing Process (2013)

I tried to have 2D texturing on a 3D object. These are some tests that I have done. NCCA, Bournemouth, UK, 2013.

Billy Bob Walk Cycle (2012)

A walk cycling project. NCCA, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, 2012.

Shaft 37x25 (2013)

Concepted, designed, modelled, textured and animated the character and some props for Shaft 37x25, a group project with 8 more people in MA 3D computer animation at the NCCA. Bournemouth, UK, 2013.

Bouncing Balls (2012)

A light, heavy and emotional balls project. NCCA, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, 2012.

Billy Bob obstacle (2012)

An animating project for an obstacle Billy Bob. Also modelling, texturing and lighting is by myself except Billy Bob. NCCA, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, 2012.



Shaft 37x25 (2013)

Concepted, designed, modelled, textured and animated the character and some props for Shaft 37x25, a group project with 8 more people in MA 3D computer animation at the NCCA. Bournemouth, UK, 2013.



Shaft 37x25 (2013)

Concepted, designed, modelled, textured and animated the character and some props for Shaft 37x25, a group project with 8 more people in MA 3D computer animation at the NCCA. Bournemouth, UK, 2013.



Shaft 37x25 (2013)

Concepted, designed, modelled, textured and animated the character and some props for Shaft 37x25, a group project with 8 more people in MA 3D computer animation at the NCCA. Bournemouth, UK, 2013.


Magic carpet (2013)

An scripting project. All the cubes and colours and the way that they are animating and selecting the colours are randomly and every time when the scripting is starting again they will change and act differently. NCCA, Bournemouth, UK, 2013.

Sea and the sailor (2012)

A stop motion animation in one day. I used Capuchino and a pot for making this video. CSVPA, Cambridge, 2012.


Ghoul and the man in love (2012)

A short Persian ancient story about a man and a lady ghoul who fells in love. A 2D project in CSVPA Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2012.


Cut Out (2011)

A small cut out project in Tehran Art University in Tehran, Iran, 2011.

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all artworks © 2018 Mohadeseh Pilehvarian. All rights reserved.

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